Apple pomace –
source of
raw fiber

Trester –


Especially tasty

Ingredients and mode of action

A high raw fiber content helps satiate livestock and promotes intestinal health

Apple pomace is a particularly rich source of insoluble fiber, including raw fiber, and is used as a valuable supplement in animal feed. The high raw fiber content not only facilitates digestion, but also ensures a sustained feeling of satiety. This contributes to the overall health and well-being of your animals, ensuring a balanced diet and digestive support.

Our Herbavital® AFCs are apple fibers that are rich in raw fiber. These fibers are extracted from conventional apple pomace through pectin extraction. With a raw fiber content of 28%, they are an excellent choice for livestock owners looking to adjust the raw fiber content in their animal feed blends.

This makes them a valuable straight feed material of many straight feed material formulations.


Apple pomace from certified food processing

Our products stand for consistently high quality. The apple pomace is produced in a certified food processing facility and standardized in order to minimize fluctuations in raw fiber content, bulk density, and other important parameters. Therefore, Herbavital® Apple Pomace is always available in the best quality.


Areas of application for apple pomace

High raw fiber feeding of calves, cattle, breeding sows, and fattening pigs

Calves: Apple pomace can be employed as a source of raw fiber in the grouping phase, with the objective of promoting early ruminant development.

Cattle: In cattle feed, apple pomace is a highly palatable source of raw fiber that is readily absorbed and beneficial to digestive processes.

Breeding sows: The high insoluble fiber content and high water-binding capacity provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety and contribute to digestive stability. This helps to prevent the occurrence of constipation and indigestion.

Fattening pigs: Apple pomace is a valuable source of raw fiber, particularly in rations with low raw fiber content, such as liquid or by-product feeds. The addition optimizes the ration and enhances digestive stability.

Herbavital® pellets can also be incorporated into raw fiber diets via appropriate dispensers as part of animal welfare programs. The palatability of the product ensures that it is readily accepted.

Advantages of depectinized apple pomace

for the feeding of livestock

Tasty raw fiber provider:
Promotes acceptance of animal feed

Long-lasting feeling of satiety:
Supports digestion and ensures well-being

Stabilization of digestion:
Helps maintain intestinal health and digestive stability

Product versions

Detailed information to download and read

Herbavital ®

AFC Flakes

Depectinized apple pomace
in flake form

Herbavital ®

AFC Pellets

Depectinized apple pomace
in pellet form

Contact us

Please let us know if you have any questions or require individual advice. Our team will be happy to assist you by telephone on +49 3327 785-902. As an alternative, you may contact us via the online form, and we will respond as soon as possible.